
The Pharisees and Jesus: The Stone Lectures for 1915–16, Delivered at the Princeton Theological Seminary is unavailable, but you can change that!

A. T. Robertson delivered the Stone Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary, and this volume includes the original content of those lectures, revised and expanded. In these lectures, Robertson investigates the relationship between the Pharisees and Jesus not only as a subject of mere academic interest, but as an issue of vital importance that affects how one perceives the historic origins of...

that denies the historicity of Jesus, and seeks to dissipate all the evidence into the mist and myth of subjective imagination. The sharpness of the contrast between Jesus and the Pharisees in so many fundamental matters argues for the reality of the controversy, and the date before the destruction of Jerusalem as the time for the picture drawn in the Gospels. It is a pathetic outcome of Schweitzer’s Quest of the Historical Jesus (1910, p. 401), when he laments: ‘We can find no designation which
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